Speaking Engagements

With Eliza Easton & Tita Lasarati and rather a ridiculous amount of water at the Creative Industries Federation conference in London, UK.
Creating Engaged Global Learning Communities Through Arts & Mediated Peer Dialogue, Conference on Global Learning, Association of Art Colleges & Universities (AAC&U), Washington D.C. (2023)
Creating Real Policy Change through Theatre, Radix Big Tent Ideas Festival, Dean’s Park, York, UK (2023)
Frameworks for Creative Social Entrepreneurs, Keller Center for Engineering Education, Princeton University (2021)
Art and International Development, Schar School of Policy & Government, George Mason University (2021)
DICE: A Case Study, Creative Industries, Guest Lecture (BA Course), King’s College London (2020)
Finding Your Social Purpose, Creativity, Collaboration & the Art of Making Theatre, Yale University (2020)
Funding inclusive economic growth, Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN), Annual Conference, Bali (2020)
DICE: One Year In, Lok Versa Heritage Center, Islamabad, Pakistan, (2019)
Sustainable Development Goals & The Arts, Creative Industries Federation Summit, London, UK (2018)
From Live-to-Digital, UK Touring Symposium, London, UK (2016)
Course Lead & Lecturer, Special Topics in Cultural & Arts Management, University of Cambridge Judge Business School (2008-2015)
Stories from a digital world, The Junction, Cambridge, UK (2015)
The Relaxed Performance Summit, The John F. Kennedy Center, Washington D.C. (2014)
The long-tail of culture, European Concert Hall Organization, Hamburg, Germany (2012)
Moving fast and flexible: the challenge in embracing new forms, 5th World Summit on Arts and Culture, IFACCA, Melbourne, Australia (2011)
Cultural Partnerships, Arts Development UK Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK (2011)
The National Theatre Live: A Case Study, Association of Arts Administration Educators, Boston, USA (2011)
Cultural Capital: A conference on Art, Design and Regeneration in Essex and The Public Art Common Fund, The University of Essex (2010)
The Art Decision Model: Evaluation. How to select & evaluate arts initiatives, European Public Art forum. Dublin (2009)
Financing Culture Across the Ocean, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London (2008)
Changing Lives: A Closer Look at the Non-Profit Board, Cambridge Judge Business School (2005)
Peggy Guggenheim: From vertical to the horizontal (BA Course) Rutgers University, USA (2004)
The Artrain Rolls On, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy (2002)
Invading your space in 20th century art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (1999)

With Elsie S. Kanza, Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to the U.S. and Mexico at George Mason University.

DICE Launch, Victoria, South Africa with Kate Gardner, Thoriso Mosenke and Collaborators

DICE Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan

Creating Real Policy Change Through DramaRadix Big Tent Ideas Festival me, delighted, with Fiona Laird

Radix Big Tent Ideas Festival with Surfing Sofas, Bengy Speer & David Tovey of Arts & Homelessness International

DICE Launch Cairo, Egypt with Country Director Elizabeth White